Saturday, February 11, 2012

All Road's Lead to Renfrow's

It's been a while since we were here, but the season has come around full circle and I guess so have we.  This morning (my birthday) we made a trip to Renfrow's Hardware to pick up some seed starting supplies and some more of their handy planting reference sheets.  These are now available on their website, but don't try and save a trip GO!

We are trying to avert last years disasters.  This year we are determined to have seedling success and aren't trying anything experimental.  We bought some trays with clear plastic covers and some six packs and a big bag of seed starting mix.  (With Elijah now in the picture I feel lucky to be planting seeds at all and have no guilt about not mixing my own!)  We will be germinating our seeds on top of the fridge and as soon as they have germinated we will be moving them under florescent lights until it's warm enough to move them outside.  (David is going to build a stand...more to come!)

If you haven't been to Renfrow's you're in for a treat.  It's located in the center of downtown Matthews adjacent to the farmer's market.  You can pick up anything from churns to chicken wire to onion sets to cow manure and more.  And the staff is humorous and helpful.  We've been getting gardening advice from them for about a year.  We love their planting resources and our favorite is Renfrow's Almanac which is a seasonal planting guide arranged by holidays.

We will be going back next week for onion, and strawberries - maybe some more blueberries.  "All road's lead to Renfrow's..."

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