Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter morning garden disaster.

Yesterday was a full day for Amber, and I.  We got up early, and went to the Farmers Market, and Renfrow Hardware down in Matthews NC.  While there we picked up 2 flats of plants.  All tomatoes, and onions.  There were to replace the seedlings, that our 3 year old turned into a big dirt pile.

Well this morning we had a similar disaster, but this time, it was not our 3 year old.  Last week we had to move our little green house that we use for starting seed.  Normally (now) it is zip tied to the back porch, but this time, when it was put back, it did not get zip tied.  Last night it turned over, dumping all of Amber's work.  We did have a few survivors.

Mostly basil, but the rest did not fare so well.... 

They have now moved on to what I call the mystery garden.  The mystery garden is a bed where we were growing composting plants, but will now also host everything else that happens to come up from the messes.  Who knows, it may be the best garden we have.   I suppose this is almost forced permaculture....

BTW, all the pictures are after we cleaned up.  I couldn't bring myself to take pictures of the pile before my wife and I started cleaning it up.

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