Monday, January 24, 2011

Woven Together

This blog is supposed to be a joint effort - but so far David's is the only voice that has appeared.  Surprise, David, I'm here!  It makes sense to share this space together since the things we make are very often for each other, or made semi jointly, or at least heavily influenced by the opinion of the other.  I've often been jealous of how David can make at least some of his projects so quickly - less than an hour sometimes and he's done.  (Except for the crib, ahem.)  It just doesn't work that way with fiber (and I know it doesn't really work that way with wood, either).

I wanted to share in this first post a bit about our logo - also a joint project.  The tree is a weaving - and wanted to post a picture of it so you could see the entire piece, but I took it off the wall to save it from the tugging of little fingers and I can't remember where I saved it.  When it surfaces I'll post that picture.  This was woven way back in 2002 on a frame loom made of picture slats for stretching canvas.  It was my very first weaving and was supposed to be my sample to practice the various techniques we were taught (this was Fiber Arts I taught by Mary Tuma at UNC Charlotte).  I fell in love with the wall of shelves filled with cones of yarns free for the taking.  The greens drew me in and I made butterfly after butterfly of every one I could get my hands on not knowing what I planned to make, just that I had to have them. 

I didn't set out to make a tree, but when I began that little finger of brown that is the base of the tree and the darker green on the right looked to me like a shadow, very quickly the green was the rolling pasture at home and I was weaving the holly tree on the hill on Beech Creek.  It was like finger painting.  I wove this very quickly finishing in I believe two days (it is very small - about 4 x 6 inches or so). 

So, when with urging from my other fiber loving friends David opened up an Etsy shop we dreamed big about all that it could be - and maybe someday will be.  We dreamed big about leaving the city and going home.  We dream big and move slow - but we are moving!  We needed a logo.  I said it had to be green and I gave him my tree.  He took pictures of wood, played on his screen clicked some buttons and the logo is there and we both love it.  It was made by the two of us -  a graphic marriage of fiber and wood.

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