Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Canning Cabinet Part 3

Mistakes I made on this project....
  1. Miscut one of the tenons on the top rails.  Not that bid of a deal, as it will not have any wieght on it, and will never be seen, but it bothers me.
  2. Slipped with the router while cutting the panel groves.  This one is visible, but you have to know where to look.
  3. Messed up the finish:  While putting on the poly, I did not stir up the container one time before starting.  So it is a bit thicker in spots.  The wife will sand and reapply.
  4. Miscut shelves.  Not once, but twice.  Because this project took so long to complete, I forgot that some of the rails are thicker than the others.  Which resulted on 3 shelves that fit, and 3 that do not.  I worked it out, but it wasn't pretty.
  5. Put in the shelf support, before I had the shelf in place.  Result.  Cut shelf in half, and put it back in.
On number 5 I actually yelled, 'Will this nightmare never end?'  I am glad it is over.  Unfortunately, it really isn't.  I still have to make doors, and the wife is asking for a second one.  While they will look the same, I am going to go a bit simpler with the construction.

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